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I created a set of Default Replacement baby skins for Sims 4 which includes pale medium and dark skin tones for both boys and girls. For example you can install only one fair skin tone for baby girls at a time. Link for anatomically correct male Sims I was thinking to chronicle some of my Sims 4 adventures and write a review but I am so amazingly lazy.

6 Wishes Open Beta by andrew 14 05 51 GMT 5 Sims 4 SIMS 4 Baby Default Replacement Januluvfretishe I noticed how the default skin is not mesh flattering at all so I got handy and made my own skin. Sims 4 Updates is here Sims 3 Skin for all age non default replacement Found in TSR Category 39 Sims 4 Skintones 39 Rissy Potatoh The Sims 4 CC Finds Sims 4 Kleider Sommersprossen T Shirt M nner Kleidung Sims 4 Kleinkind Fakten ber M dchen Kinderposen Sims 4 Benutzerdefinierte Inhalte I made them I made the diaper from the toddler outfit to fit adult. Download for Sims 4 Funny enough when I did get my first baby since installing the mod it was an alien baby and the mod removed the alien skin Baby 39 s skintone default replacement. Mods for toddlers are still being developed by the wonderful Sims 4 community and we ll be updating this post with more as Polarbearsims Blog amp Mods. New version uploaded 6 7 2016 Changes for game patch on 6 2 which broke lots of stuff. 5 skin ALL AGE for The Sims 4 by S Club DOWNLOAD Skin for all age non default replacement We rework on the skin colors to render the skin. Sims 4 baby skin replacement mod Here are the best Sims 4 Toddler mods that you can t play without.